Two pretty dang successful expeditions, including my first one with camping, was a pretty good way to end the night.

Two pretty dang successful expeditions, including my first one with camping, was a pretty good way to end the night.

Especially since my plague doctor dodged two attacks by one of those bandit dudes with the shotgun that shoots everyone while she had zero hit points.


  1. I finished a quest earlier today with one dead and the three remaining fully stressed and basically on death's door most of the time. It was great to see them manage to either dodge or heal up and keep going despite brutal odds. Probably my best success in this game to date. I think I am also the farthest into the game now with that group.

  2. My Leper went totally crazy early in a long expedition last night.  It was a room clear and I managed to nurse him through two camps and pull it off - this felt spectacularly good, but was largely made possible because a 4th level Gravedigger, well kitted and with minimal insanities is basically a killing stunning machine. My plague doctors keep dying so I don't have good one, but they work so well with an Occultist.

  3. I have pretty much vowed never to buy an early access game on steam again after the Starbound debacle. However this looks interesting enough for me to possibly break my rule.

  4. I think it's a good bet. Gameplay totally works, although they're tweaking stats all the time I think. There are plenty of quests to get your $20 worth. Once I figured out a bug that was making it hang on the load screen I haven't had a crash or anything.

  5. Looks like I should have checked my OpenGL version before buying this.  I have 3.1, need 3.2!

  6. can you upgrade? I somehow didn't have problems with my almost 4 year old laptop.

  7. I'm looking into it.  so far everyone says new graphics card, which is probably not happening.

  8. Oh so this game is still in beta?  maybe I won't worry too much about compatibility yet.

  9. yeah it doesn't get past the Red Hook logo screen, so I looked into it and it's the OpenGL 3.2 requirement I'm sure.  I have 3.1.  maybe they'll fix it.

  10. Hey, that's what happened to me. Go into Steam, check the settings, and disable the "Steam Overlay." I bet it will work.

  11. I haven't tried that yet - thanks Casey.

  12. Are you renaming your guys?  Games are always more fun when you can rename them to your friends.  I wont even bother talking about how many of you have died in XCom.

  13. Success!  Casey = da man!  I guess I dug too deep in the forums and missed a simple solution.

  14. This game is nasty.  I'm glad it's difficult.


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