Ukraine stuff in the news making me think about my cold-war childhood.

Ukraine stuff in the news making me think about my  cold-war childhood. Modern miniature wargaming typically doesn’t do anything for me, but Cold War Gone Hot hits my Red Dawn, Wargames, and Team Yankee buttons.


  1. Force on Force is a great system. I was lucky enough to play it at a tiny wargame Con held at the Cantigny Gardens war museum.

  2. Sweet. I've only played it once, but I've got Tomorrow's War and the original Force on Force pdf.

  3. (tangent) Oh man I was just thinking about cold war. I grew up behind iron curtain and maybe it was just that in Poland communism was slowly collapsing as I was getting older, but we were not raised in fear of nuclear apocalypse and rockets wiping our cities and the whole nation. Its weird when my older American friends mention that particular fact about the cold war. 

    On the other hand then you learn that USSR had shitloads of rockets just aimed at Poland (to keep those westerners away) and things kind of fall into place...

  4. Was there fear of a ground war? Tanks rolling through?

  5. Casey Garske nope. But our TV was state controlled so they would not bring any war mongering on the screen. It was a bit like reports from TV on 1984, usually about how awesome our production was and how great we were doing in relation to bad imperialistic west.

    I mean as I said above if tanks would start rolling thru the tank land (aka polish rolling hills) USSR would just nuke them and Poland along with them.

  6. Very cool to hear about the "other side."


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