Why isn't the Danube Valley civilization mentioned in Chariots of the Gods?

Why isn't the Danube Valley civilization mentioned in Chariots of the Gods?

Look at this thing. From over 7500 years ago.


Via Winchell Chung


  1. I guess it doesn't look enough like a 1960s perception of an astronaut that Däniken could sell it.

  2. If you google "Vinca aliens" it shows that reptilian conspiracy people are all over this connection. Phew.

  3. I'm a huge fan of the Lepenski Vir sculptures. At least 7000 BC.

    Ancient alien/reptilian conspiracy people are usually all over anything that's older than 400 years and even vaguely unknown or weird. :)

  4. That's a good one. Obvious Deep One or hybrid there.


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