18 years ago.

18 years ago. Quite the thing to experience. On April 16th, my girlfriend's (now wife) birthday we drove to Minot so she could go to a job interview. We got back to Grand Forks and they'd announced the evacuation. We both packed up what we could and drove to our parent's houses. The next morning my parents and I drove back into Grand Forks during the evacuation to move everything else we could out of my basement apartment. Later that day the dikes broke.

It was like spilling water on a table. The Red River Valley is so flat, there's no where for the water to go but out.



  1. Incredible. I'd never heard of that.

  2. Mac & Huber & I have a pretty good story of driving back to town that day as well.

  3. James LaManna & I jumped into his K-Car and drove to Pittsburgh.  "What do I look like, a riveroligist?"


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