Concert Review

Concert Review
Clutch and Mastodon kicked off a joint tour together at the Myth in St. Paul last night. The tl;dr version of this review is: No one can follow Clutch.

Clutch went on first, they were as amazing as always. Neil is such a showman. He oozes charisma. This isn't news. They played a song from their new album that will come out in September. Awesome.

So Mastodon. I like Mastodon quite a bit, but live, I'm not sure I'm the audience. I realized that when I listen to them what I sort of want is musical white-noise so I can focus on what I'm doing. Didn't totally work for me live. Or it could be that following Clutch is a bad idea.

Anyway, I like this video. And the twerk-for-satan video.


  1. Clutch and Mastodon together?  You'd die of heavy metal poisoning.  it would be too much.

  2. man how do you follow Clutch and not just stand there looking kind of sad and confused and apologetic

  3. cole long I dunno. I saw Clutch with Children of Bodom and Black Label Society, but after Clutch I was like, well, I'm good. Black Label was fun though.

  4. yeah, i mean, i like mastodon and BLS a lot. but like, clutch live, man

  5. Ok, I saw Clutch and Motorhead in 2011. Motorhead can follow Clutch.
    "We're Motorhead and we're here to fucking kill you!"

  6. I remember going to see the Hold Steady the year Separation Sunday came out and the Plastic Constellations were opening. I was like, Mr. Hold Steady guy.

    And Plastic Constellations show up and I don't think anyone had even heard of them (later I saw there was a Pitchfork review, so I guess some people had) and they were in like, shitty white t-shirts and baggy jeans, they looked like they bought their clothes at Marhsalls, at least one had a bad buzz cut, and I think we were at the Black Cat which was (is?) like hipster central and they looked like younger than most of the crowd. Like, it was just so incongrous to the scene and the band they were opening for. And then like a third of there set was about D&D and swords and shit. And they tore it up.

    I left part way through the Hold Steady.

  7. Also, my earliest exposure to Clutch was that they were a jam band.


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