Gary Morbriar

Gary Morbriar


  1. What Palladium product is this from?

  2. Transdimensional TMNT. Great book.

  3. One of Kevin Long's best covers too.

  4. Erick Wujick's writing though. That's good NPC right there.

  5. I've been thoroughly poring through my first edition printing of this book since I started working on my game "Other Strangeness".

  6. Erick Wujcik was one of the greats. His revised After the Bomb book -- one of the last things he wrote -- is full of truly wild ideas. Including rules for getting addicted to having sex with rabbit people.

  7. Shit, I only have the original. I'll have to check out the revised too.

  8. Casey G. It's worth checking out. The background for the world is changed (and, in my opinion, made more interesting in the process). It's, like, maybe 10% more "serious" than the original but somehow even crazier.

    I should have said "one of the last things he wrote for Palladium." It came out six years before he passed away, and he was still working during that time.

  9. If it's at the FLGS this weekend I'll pick it up.


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