I approve of this.

I approve of this. Also, do the Troodons know about the k/t extinction? If so, how do they live with the knowledge without telling the late cretaceous dinosaurs? Is there a time barrier that won't let them pass? Is the dinosaur train an experiment that the troodons hope to use to let them escape the extinction?

When am I going to stop posting about Dinosaur Train today? Probably never!


  1. The troodons know that some of their maniraptoran brethren will survive K/T. That the rest must perish is sad, true, but at least the feathered ones survive.

  2. Because they are on a number of interconnected asteroids managed by the Slaad and this isn't earth at all.

  3. Maybe a rogue group of avian dinosaurs hijacks the last train and punches through past the k/t barrier to a temporally near time-point where survival is possible.

  4. A Jim Henson produced kids show on PBS. The dinosaur train travels through time around the mesozoic.

  5. OMG. I miss so much by not having TV.

  6. Yeah it's on Netflix, that's where we watch it. My daughter loves the show. I guess it's engineered to be loved: dinosaurs + trains. The only thing it's missing is construction trucks.


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