Not coincidence.

Not coincidence.


  1. I'm not sure what you mean, Casey. The one on the left looks like a Troödon, the right is clearly some sort of ornithomimid. Both have been plucked.

  2. The ornithomimid appearance of the one on the right is due to the unpredictable mutation process. The text refers to the creature as related to dromaeosaurs.

    The creature on the left has his display feathers hidden under his hat. His northern cousins are fully feathered as protection from cold.

    Both are experts in temporal physics and travel.

  3. Ornithomimids are "related to dromaeosaurs". They're both maniraptoriformes.

    i like dinosaurs

  4. Is this the origin story of Doctor Dinosaur?

  5. Behold! An ordinary train conductor!

  6. You could watch the ultra-dull Dino Dan.
    It has more dino facts, but it's Canadian blandness turned up to 11.

  7. Quiet Alec Oh, wow. I'm actually not sure! I don't know of any good, recent "ground floor" dinosaur books. Casey might, though, since he also likes dinosaurs (and, unlike me, has kids).

  8. After listening to the Dinosaur Train rockabillyesque theme song I had to pirate and watch Brannagh narrated Walking With the Dinosaurs. Such are the burdens of fatherhood.

  9. The kids are sick of my impression of King Cryolophosaurus.

  10. My daughter is addicted to dinosaur train.

  11. Don't let your kids get hooked on the (iron) Horse.


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