


  1. Calling Maid Marian foxy was a pun that just never got old.

    I watched the Disney version over and over as a kid. Revisiting it as an older person, man... the trippy action sequences were underscored by the kooky score. And I realized it was seriously bugging me that there were voices, but no ambient sound.

    Still, I know way too much of way too many of the songs even now. The creases in my brain were deep.

  2. awww my all-time favorite Disney movie...still such a shame there's no way to get the soundtrack.

  3. Quiet Alec But... then it's not a pun anymore. If she is actually a fox and not an uplifted / furry fox.

    Though I gotta say, I bet the soulful eyes of Nala in Lion King confused some pubescent boys. "That lion is hot! Wait..."


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