Why haven't I read The Gnomes of Levnec before now?

Why haven't I read The Gnomes of Levnec before now? I've got a one shot coming up and it's perfect. I think I'm going to run it in 5e with the pre-gens from the starter box.


  1. My group and I really enjoyed Gnomes of Levnec.  They ended up taking a suicide squad of gnomish mercenaries out to the Caves of Chaos.  It was glorious.  Oh! I should share that squad on my blog.

  2. Who knows what other treasures I have written you are missing out on?

  3. I own Scenic Dunnsmouth, but haven't read that yet, so that one anyway.

  4. Which is great, because the intersection between those two adventures can create some of the funniest possible situations.

  5. I better create a Dunnsmouth then, in case they're like "fuck these gnomes, man. We're out of here." Corroc could be just to the west too.

  6. Corroc does have a built in link to both Scenic Dunnsmouth and Lamentations of the Gingerbread Princess.

  7. Was the “strange meteor” just something fun to put on the map? I have some ideas for it, but if it’s a reference to something else I’d take a look.

  8. Nothing written in that adventure, but I do so love to leave Easter eggs for future ones. But hey,  how can you go wrong with anything you come up with for that?

  9. You really can't go wrong with it.


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