Kids watched Empire for the first time tonight.

Kids watched Empire for the first time tonight. When this walker blew up, Coop started crying and said, ”I just love the Empire so much!”


  1. He'll change his tune when he meets the Ewoks.

  2. The first time my kid saw Star Wars, when Darth Vader comes walking through the door, my wife said "That's Darth Vader" to which my son responded "And those are his friends" referring to the storm troopers.

  3. Coop flys Lego Vader around rescuing his stormtrooper friends. ”They're on the same team!”

  4. My kids watched the Clone Wars show a lot, and when they saw SW 4 they said: The two most awesome people in Star Wars are Anakin and Darth Vader.
    It was delicious to show them SW 5 and watch my eldest daughter puzzling it together. :)


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