Originally shared by Kirill Grouchnikov

The baby is ready for the next installment...


  1. I may well be cane-shaking here, but is anyone else just a bit worried about the MASSIVE SENSORY OVERLOAD being done to this infant? (Yah, I'm probably just trying to get kids off my lawn.)

  2. I doubt the kid is actually watching the preview.

  3. If you look at the light on the kid's face they are definitely not watching the clips below. The light and dark don't match up.

  4. The internet has rendered me utterly unwilling to talk about parenting issues with, like, anyone.

  5. Viktor Haag Children television is also colourful and bonkers. Children are pretty hardy, and can survive all sorts of dumb stuff.

  6. True. I did say I might have been cane-shaking. 8)

    (Mind you -- I'm not sure we should take "hey! this is no worse than kid's TV", doesn't mean that it's OK... it could also mean that kid's TV is also the neurological equivalent of Fruit Loops immersed in Redbull...)

  7. It is the equivalent of fruit loops immersed in redbull. Have you seen Tellytubbies? Consciousness alteration had to be involved somewhere along the line.

  8. Viktor Haag Fair. My main point is you can probably do a pretty terrible job parenting and still have your children become upstanding well adjusted adults.

  9. Star Wars was good enough for me when I was a baby (2 and a half anyway) so it's good enough for my babies.

  10. Ramanan S Yes, you can. Thank goodness, otherwise, we'd really all be at each other's throats.

    Casey G. I hadn't noticed that the light on the baby's face didn't match the light in the preview: I just went right at the suggested apposition.

  11. I'd like to be that excited about ANYTHING.


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