My One Allowed Google+ Update Post

My One Allowed Google+ Update Post
Anyone know where Events went? It's no longer attached to the new G+, and the option to create an event does not exist in a community. This was the easiest way to coordinate an online game.

Goog's Events info page:
If you click "create an event" in here it takes you to the old G+.


  1. /sub

    Highly relevant to my interests. Also wtf happened to Hangouts. Sage LaTorra?

  2. So I switched back for now. The new UI is fine, but I use events all the time.

  3. I've not been blessed with the new UI yet but still confused about Hangouts.

  4. I'm still on the old UI, so it's still living in my hamburger menu/Home menu.

  5. I have no idea about Events.

    Hangouts is on gMail, Inbox, Contacts, and (as well as the Chrome extension, app, and the mobile apps).

    Personally, that's working pretty great for me. I often open up G+ posts in new tabs to compose long replies and not having chats pop up in all my open posts-to-reply-to tabs is really nice.

  6. Well, you're the main certified RPG google dude, so if you don't know I guess I'll just hold out as long as I can and hope it shows up or schedule stuff in my gmail calendar like a chump.

  7. I don't understand what Google has against just having a human being who speaks plain english explain the changes they make to the interface.
    I mean: they can pay some fucking engineers to make it so a mustache follows you around a hangout why can't they pay one person with an English degree to go "Here are the things we changed. Click here."?


    "In the new Google+, you can only make new events in the Android app. To make events on a computer, switch back to classic Google+." -- I'm presuming because there are several "switch back to classic if you need this feature" tags on their changes, that this functionality is going to migrate into the desktop and IOS clients; I can't imagine them leaving it out permanently, or confining an app only to one platform.

    Unusually for this rollout they do have a much better help page than they've done on prior changes to G+/Gmail, though it's not quite as detailed as I'd like.

    I'm hoping that Hangouts apps will be preserved for those using Roll20.

  9. Gretchen S. I don't get why you have to even look for the help page. All that should just appear as soon as you open G+ after a change has been made.

  10. Gretchen S. thank you! I also poked around in the new Hangouts. If you go to the new "Hangouts on Air" you can schedule them for later and invite communities or circles or whatever. This added an event to my calendar and showed up in my stream.

  11. Casey G. Oh, that's a neat workaround! Probably because Hangouts is a different service from G+. Make sure you submit feedback on how much you use Roll20; sidelining a feature in a new UI tends to be an early warning signal that Google's planning on cutting the feature, and I know a ton of people use that and other apps.

    Zak Smith I don't understand why it's so obfuscated either. I originally found it by hunting down a Google Employee's G+ post on the new UI. "Support by randomly following random employees" is not really consistent or thorough. Though this time when I wanted to find it, I was able to google for "new google+ support" and that searched it up for me. I've had times in the past when I knew a support page existed and could not find it via any means but scrubbing through old G+ posts, because it wasn't in search results or findable through a menu.

    The new UI hasn't even been rolled out to me yet. While I think it's good that I can see the help too, I absolutely agree that it should be front and center accessible right on the page for the people who are actually using it.

  12. Casey G. the announcement says "And since not every feature of Google+ has made its way into this new design, for now, you can toggle back to the classic Google+ with one click in the bottom left-hand corner." (

  13. Gretchen S. I will submit feedback for Hangout Apps since I use Roll20 all the time. I'm not super concerned about it though since you can always use Hangouts and Roll20 in different tabs. Although then you're not looking at anyone in your hangout most of the time. I really hope this tight little package of communities, events, hangouts, and Roll20 doesn't get splintered.

  14. Adding /events after a community URL opens the communities "events" page in the classic app.

  15. Casey G. That's good; I do hope they keep it together, since it sounds really functional. They seem to be focusing on communities in this revamp, so I'd expect more features for communities to be coming once the UI change settles down. (Judging by last night's hiccups, it's not an easy rollout. But they're taking it in stages, which I like, and I like that it's a soft rollout so we can fall back on the old look/features if we want.)

  16. Casey G. I haven't done it yet, but Roll20 does both video and audio. I might take it for a spin just to see if Hangouts is even needed at all. Have you used it?

    My main thing was the ability to create and share an event. But that can be done in Roll20 as well.

  17. Yeah, this might get me to dive into roll20's features a lot more.

  18. Sage LaTorra that leaves a whopping 30% who don't-- plus at least you instantly know where to find the answer when you do need it.

  19. I'd suggest always looking at Help if you want answers to anything. If you click on Help (which is shown on the right at first load) the "what's new" article is one of the top options.

  20. Sage LaTorra 1. The "Help" section doesn't work well and is poorly written and full of marketing speak and vague references to pages without explanations as to how youget to those pages.
    2. "Help" isn't a button on the standard page, you have to go to a pulldown menu to find it

  21. Help is a button the new standard page. It's in the left nav bar, which shows by default.

    I'll pass along the feedback on how the what's new section was written.

  22. Sage LaTorra So what was it that finally convinced Google to have "help" as a standard button instead of as a hidden one that links to a "search" menu? And why did it take so many years?

  23. Hell if I know. But if I had to guess, user feedback was a big part of it.

  24. Which reminds me, for folks upthread talking about sending feedback about Roll20 or whatever else: please do! Feedback is the single best way to drive change, and it's way more reliable than plussing me into a conversation.

  25. Sage LaTorra I'm glad to hear that the help button is standard now; that's great news, and I hope it gets put into any apps where that's not yet the case.

  26. now if it would only stop pestering the shit out of me to try New Coke G+

  27. Sage LaTorra I've been sending Feedback about how annoying +1 sharing is for months... and yet...


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