Update: Patton was a Mind Flayer and blew up Screwball with a save-or-die effect.

Update: Patton was a Mind Flayer and blew up Screwball with a save-or-die effect.

Originally shared by Casey G.

Sgt. Screwball and his crew listen to General Patton's briefing to the 1st Armored division outside the village of Barovia, Ravenloft on July 13th, 1944.

So, fall in! It's time for Weird Wars: Ravenloft!


  1. Screwball was also a fish for one round.

  2. Mind flayer Patton also had two artifacts on him.

  3. So what is the body count?  I thought I've pieced together that several of your party are on their 2nd or 3rd characters by now.

  4. 12 PCs KIA. I now lead with three deaths.


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