Resharing for today.

Resharing for today.

Originally shared by Casey G.

Scarlet Heroes Jedi class
Starting HP: 6
HP per Level: 3
Starting Attack bonus: +1
Att Bonus Gain: ½ pt. per level
Lightsaber Defense: -1 AC at even levels
Lightsaber: 1d6 dm, increases 1 die step at 3rd (1d8), 6th (1d10), and 9th (1d12) levels.
Fray Die: 1d4, affects all enemies regardless of hit dice.
The Force: A bonus 3 pt. Trait. Applies to classic Jedi abilities like telekinesis, acrobatics, and Jedi mind tricks. Like the thief bonus trait, this increases by 1 every level, leading the Jedi to being capable of supernatural physical and mental feats.

The Dark Side
If a Jedi gives in to the dark side, their Fray Die increases to 1d8 for one encounter, but on their next Defy Death roll, if the roll would fail, they instead survive, but turn to the dark side completely and become an NPC.


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