Can't +1 posts on mobile or browser right now for some reason. Know that I am plussing them mentally.

Can't +1 posts on mobile or browser right now for some reason. Know that I am plussing them mentally.


  1. I have the same problem onna laptop.

  2. I am mentally +1ing this so hard right now.

  3. I am shamelessly stealing this gif. :D

  4. Everyone you follow now has at least one phantom like, even it says none.

  5. It's working again. You get a plus and you get a plus...

  6. I physically plussed this, but I stand in solidarity with the mental plussers.

  7. on desktop it seems to be random on a post by post basis if the plus one button will work, or if i can expand a long post, or if i can expand the comments section. any one of those may fail. but then work fine on the very next post.


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