I have a bunch of jumbled thoughts about youth and influences based on the Minecraft D&D we’ve been playing at my...

I have a bunch of jumbled thoughts about youth and influences based on the Minecraft D&D we’ve been playing at my house. I can’t really articulate them though. Maybe Tim Callahan has more thoughts based on his prior experience with kids, D&D, and Minecraft?
My pre-D&D fantasy influences were the Hobbit (book and Rankin Bass), Thundarr, Zork, and some other stuff I’m not remembering, so pretty D&Dish either in being an original D&D influence, a derivative, or coming from the sword & sorcery tradition.
My kids have Minecraft and…they’ve mostly seen superheroes and Star Wars in media. There aren’t a lot of swords and wizards running around outside of Adventure Time (which we haven’t watched…I know I know…)
Anyway, it will be interesting to see where tabletop fantasy worlds go with kids growing up right now. They should be pretty ok with sandbox gaming since they’re used to these open world games.


  1. My earliest influences were He-Man and Star Wars. Then came Transformers, Thundercats, Voltron...I was kind of all over the place before seeing Rankin-Bass Hobbit for the first time.

  2. So how are you structuring these games Casey G.?

  3. We're just playing D&D in a Minecraft based world.

    My 12 year old is DMing, so I'm mostly interested in what form her world-building takes when her influence is Minecraft instead of an old nerd's LotR and Conan. I'm giving bits of DM advice, but nothing on story.

  4. My daughter has been wanting to do a Minecraft one-shot for awhile. I've been thinking of using Fudge or USR (Unbelievably Simple Roleplaying). I love those minis (she would too).

  5. Alec Henry yeah, I thought about the anime styled games I've seen here on G+. You do a more Super Mario World thing, right? Or is that someone else?

  6. Craig Hatler Good choice! I actually have a (paperback) copy of FAE I could use...


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