Here's what I've got so far for TMNT: Savage Worlds Showdown.

Here's what I've got so far for TMNT: Savage Worlds Showdown.


  1. I think the only way I would play TMNT now is with Savage Worlds. I grew up with the Paladium game but the only fun we ever got out of it was making characters. The rest was all a blur of confusion. Those rules were as clear as lead-lined concrete.

  2. These are for miniatures skirmish, but the Rifts kickstarter has me thinking TMNT would be fun that way too.

    But rereading the original Palladium rules, they're not terrible. As long as you don't add in vehicles or anything.

  3. I think the thing that got us with the Paladium rules were the contradictions. There are a few places where the rules contradict themselves in that rulebook. Otherwise, the game was awesome.

    Savage Rifts got me thinking TMNT too.


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