
Agility d12+1
Smarts d6
Spirit d6
Strength d6
Vigor d6

Skills (15)
2 Fighting d6
2 Lockpicking d6
2 Notice d6
4 Shooting d10
3 Stealth d8
2 Streetwise d6

Pace: 12”
Parry: 5
Toughness: 8 (3)
Charisma: -2

Super Karma: Overconfident
1 Distinctive Appearance (m)
1 Ugly (m)
2 Greedy (M)

Free: Super Powers
Human: Power Points (5)
H1: Ambidexterity
H2: Two-weapon fighting

Powers (20)
2 Armor 3 (exoskeleton)
8 Awareness w/ Danger Sense (cockroach senses)
4 Extra Limbs (2 extra arms)
1 Speed (x2 pace)
4 Super Agility
1 Wall Walker

4x 9mm Pistol: range 12/24/48, Damage 2d6, rof 1, $200, wt. 3, shots 12, special AP 1; DT

So, three attacks with no penalty. All attacks against him at -4 from Danger Sense. Of course, the trade off is that his damage is pretty shitty. Relying on multiple attacks to get some exploding dice.


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