Here's what I've hammered out so far.

Here's what I've hammered out so far. Needs random tables, a random mission generator, antagonists (which you've done some of that for me), and a short adventure. A5 booklet format.


  1. Gonna check this out at lunch. Thanks!

  2. Feel free to ignore all of these.

    Probably differentiate Anti-Personnel and Armor Piercing. Gets confusing in the vehicle sections. Make Anti-Personnel something else so it's AP2 for armor, AntiP or whatever for it being Anti-Personnel.

    Satchel charge: Include triggering methods, maybe. This question always comes up in Dark Heresy.

    Does extra ammo just mean you go up 1 in the dice chain for the usage die?

    Pyrokinesis and Mindstab numbers probably need to be reworked. I think Mindstab is fine, but becoming a heavy weapon doesn't mean much if you're just dealing 3d6 damage with no AP. Or is that intentional, hmm. Need to think about this. Maybe Mindstab should be 3d4. It is short range, after all.

  3. Acronyms are hard! Didn't notice that.

    Extra ammo is an extra inventory unit. Maybe need to make that clearer.

    Satchel charge - here's where I make assumptions without people's play style. I'd assume if the player said, "I set the timer for 5 rounds," the GM would just say, "ok, no problem." Maybe that's a bad assumption.

    Pyrokinesis not having any AP was intentional. However, I was blearily typing at midnight thinking I should go to bed and wanting to finish the powers. So I'm sure they need another look.

    Cloud Mind needs to affect detection too.

  4. That would be badass.

    I think you could make an assumption in this case. It is OSR. That is just me being a finicky person about rules lettering.

    Yeah, I realized it was intentional, I just think it wouldn't do much against a heavy tank. Then again, it would still take out a APC or light tank, so. It might be fine as is!

    Upgrading Psy powers: May be outside of the scope. Instead of taking a new one, you gain a permanent bonus to casting one you have.

  5. I like that upgrading psi powers idea...

  6. Yeah. Gotta be a reason to not just pick from the same list over and over. That's half the fun of gaining levels!


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