If you look up "Douchebag" in the dictionary, it's just a giant picture of Ryan Lochte's stupid frat-boy face.

If you look up "Douchebag" in the dictionary, it's just a giant picture of Ryan Lochte's stupid frat-boy face.


  1. Love all these people saying, "come on, he's just a kid."

    A 32 year old kid.

  2. All because he lied to his mom about partying.

    Int and Wis are his dump stats.

  3. Between Lochte and Phelps, there seems to be a while truckload of self-entitled chucklenuttery. Yet another reminder that being excellent at something physical (even being better than any human has ever been at that thing) has almost no bearing on whether one is a decent human being.

  4. People are mad down here. I am admittedly a bit mad at their disregard for local authority but mostly just sorry for the whole man-child act.

  5. Gustavo Iglesias rest assured everyone in America thinks he's a giant douche.


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