Looking at a post from Jay Exonauts wondering what I should run at Con of the North for his Saturday Night Space...

Looking at a post from Jay Exonauts wondering what I should run at Con of the North for his Saturday Night Space Opera track. Then I think...what about 3:16 Carnage Amongst the Stars? That probably makes a good con game...


  1. Joe England do you have an opinion on running 2 hour vs. 4 hour sessions of 3:16?

  2. I was thinking two hours is probably enough to make characters and burn down a planet full of alien scum. Maybe I'd run two sessions and let people carry over their characters if they play both...

  3. I've done it as a 4-hour con game and it's a hoot BUT you need to bring your A Game to the table. I'd have a good roster of total asshole NPCs already worked out in my head and just hammer the table with conflicting orders and bullshit. Yell a lot.

    Maybe also have your worlds done up in advance so you have some thread that maybe runs through them all. Orrr use the planet-making rules on the spot if you're a hot improviser and want to burn up table time. :)

  4. Paul Beakley, how many players? Typical con games are like six, but is that too many?

  5. Nah man, the more the merrier. Yell at ALL OF THEM. I've run 6 and it's chaotic and just fine.

  6. I really want to find out about this game now.

  7. I have read the game, but I don't think I really understand it. Good luck at the con!

  8. gregory blair it's pretty much the only thing on my bookshelf that would be labelled a "story game" (a term I use to mean the rules are crafted to create a particular kind of story). But it's still got neat combat mechanics and you literally count how many aliens you kill. It's part of the rules. If that quote above flips your switches, you'll like it.

    All this comes from a "Why would I ever play anything except D&D?" guy.

  9. Like, if you love Starship Troopers the movie it's the game for you.

  10. I think you've probably sold me, Casey G., on pulling this out for our next local friendCon.

    Anyone have any play reports for this?

  11. I played it once with Felbrigg Herriot and enjoyed it greatly. He also wrote "Death Bringers", pre-generated combat missions for 3:16 http://www.rpgnow.com/product/94101/Death-Bringers?manufacturers_id=3576

  12. Thanks for the tag Brian Wille . 3:16 is a great game for a con, not too many rules to for newbies to get their heads around, and plenty of blood soaked victory stories to tell people about later.

  13. Casey G. Holy Crap that game was 3 1/2 years ago!!

  14. As the frog said, time's fun when you're having flies.


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