Tonight in downtown Minneapolis

Tonight in downtown Minneapolis

Domald Dump at the Convention Center (seriously?)
Luke Bryan (some country music fuck I've never even heard of) at the new stadium.

and I have to fight my way through this clusterfuck to see...
Muthafuckin' Weird Al at the State Theater!


  1. Kind of surprised they didn't try to combine the events.

    Not the Weird Al one.

  2. i'm listening to weird al right now.

    have yet to manage to make it to one of his shows. thank god he's still actively touring. some day…

  3. he's fucking awesome live- every bit as good two years ago as 25 years ago!!!

  4. Yeah, foot traffic downtown is... really odd right now. Herds of generic looking white bruhs with no fashion sense* and only slightly dolled-up white ladies, all of whom are gawking around like they're tourists. Which I guess they effectively are. Helicopters and stuff flying around.

    Didn't know Trump was in town, but the aforementioned folks were going in the opposite directions, so that's encouraging.

    * Like, t-shirts advertising firearms accessories

  5. We made it to the State without a problem. Eating dessert at Rock Bottom.


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