Warren Ellis's Crecy is pretty fantastic.

Warren Ellis's Crecy is pretty fantastic.


  1. It's the most Waeren Ellis'y comic ever written.

  2. Nat aS Its so close to the Idea of Ellis, and in many ways, it is the most Ellis, and yet it is still missing the most important part of Ellisdom:

    He didn't lose interest halfway through and then purposefully tank it/not finish it.

  3. Yeah, the main character is just... Warren Ellis.

  4. I say that not out of hate, but love.

    And maybe a bit of hate.

  5. This is how history textbooks should be written.

  6. Casey G. Right? One time I was reading this mommy blog (and, to be fair, I am sure this view has been stated elsewhere) that it can be hard to get kids into history because kids find it boring.

    History is the easiest thing to teach! Who doesn't love tales of people stuck in mud while people just put daggers through their face masks? What kind of kid doesn't love learning King James II shanked an earl and threw him out a window?


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