Writing a random mission generator where you roll a regular set of dice.

Writing a random mission generator where you roll a regular set of dice.

D4: ??????
D6: mission type
D8: planet type/environment
D10: antagonists
D12: NPCs
D20: complications

What's the D4? Can't think of anything interesting that only four entries can cover.


  1. Difficulty grade? Official Classification?

  2. How about "employer"?
    Government (often military), Corporate, Civilian, Criminal?

  3. Constraints: Budgetary, Time, Minimum Acceptable Losses, Covert.

  4. Number of mission objectives.  Each other element in the array gives you a possible objective to choose from.  You always take the objective from Mission Type, and then get the objective for one or more of the other four based on the d4 result.   

    So like, I get 2 on the objectives list. 

    a 6 on the NPC's gives me "Scattered Colonists" and the Objective for that one is "Rescue"

    a 3 on Planet Type gets me "Ruined High Tech Enclave" and the Objective for that one is "Salvage Valuable Data from Central Core"

  5. Rules of Engagement:

    Non-lethal, lethal force only in life-or-death situations, lethal force if attacked, weapons free.

  6. Ship type military, medical,transport luxury?

  7. Juan Ochoa yeah, that's a tough one to quantify though, as most of my planned "one-shots" tend to become two-to-five shots.

  8. The best thing about Epidiah Ravachol's idea is that the PCs are bound to fuck it up, or just not care.

  9. Casey G. just make sure not to have too much overlap in the categories, otherwise it defeats the purpose. All of those constraints could just as easily be in the "complications" category.

  10. Yep, let's me change a couple I've got in complications already.

  11. Oh damn, here's an alternate idea:

    d4: Number of times to roll the d20

  12. What N. Phillip Cole said is perfect.

  13. There are reroll entries on that table, but getting rid of those means adding a couple new ones suggested here. So # of complications is probably a winner.

  14. Commenting because this seems interesting but I have nothing to contribute.

  15. FYI this is nothing fancy. Just a one page cure for, "Fuck, I can't think of anything."

  16. I kinda like throwing additional objectives in there... But RoE is cool too.

  17. 1d4 Michael Biehn Movie to rip off
    1: Terminator
    2: Aliens
    3: The Abyss
    4: Tombstone

  18. Casey G. Make it 1d6 and add Grease and The Rock.


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