So that 5e Middle Earth book does not have the worst cover I've seen today. A new contender has entered the ring.

So that 5e Middle Earth book does not have the worst cover I've seen today. A new contender has entered the ring.


  1. Enlightened self-interest here: what's bad about it? I know it's a bit busy in terms of design (I wouldn't do the techno doohickeys in the back) and the single glowy eye only looks good on Cable, but it's reasonably sound technically (anatomy and so forth OK) and it's not lewd or ideologically offensive (I think). It's not particularly Tarot-ish, don't know if that's a dealbreaker.
    As an artist, sometimes I think "it might be me up there on the dunce stool someday, I'd better find out what's wrong."

  2. Fair enough, make me think about why it's bad.
    Flesh tones on a Tron guy. Looks ridiculous with that hair. Also, implied stubble on a Tron guy.
    Cable's eye. Doesn't work for me here.
    Oh, he's an elf. Too rugged for a Tron dude or an elf.
    The necklace and whatever it is on his back are giving me bad Clyde Caldwell vibes.
    Eels are ok.

  3. Part of it is what is drawing the eye. My eye goes to his, then bounces around unsteadily because the focus point is confused. Then out to the electric eels? Stumble to the thing--maybe a rifle butt on his back? And to the amulet, then up to the smirk. My eye feels like a pinball.

    Combine that with the fonts--big text, prominent, and it doesn't match on the top and the bottom. Three fonts on the cover, plus the Shadowrun logo thing which is a whole other visual style and color palatte from the rest of the cool blues, as a dark red in archaic style against the cyberclutter. Red enough that you think it might be supposed to match the pink letters--but it doesn't.

    Those are my first thoughts.

  4. Also, as somebody mentioned, the source model is a little too obvious. A Google search for 'David Beckham racing jacket' brings up a picture of Beckham in that pose with that expression on the first page.

  5. Shadowrun's covers have gotten consistently worse since the end of FASA's management of the line. This one... I dislike it to the point of not feeling like making an effort to say why. It does not in any way entice me to check out the contents, let alone purchase them.

  6. Adventures in Middle Earth. The other bad cover the OP referred to.

  7. Had to google it, and nah, it's not awful. Just boring. Gandalf and a dying Smaug, at least it actually quite clearly pertains to it's subject matter, and you can get some idea of what it's about.

    Whereas THIS cover? What the fuck? Looks like some lurker at a cyber swinger's club on free night...

  8. Doesn't feel like Shadowrun to me, personally.

  9. Alec Henry best cover and also one of my fav old school source books (of any Rpg ) and it seems to have vanished in the move

  10. If that's copied from a pic of David Beckham, no wonder I immediately hated his face.


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