Star Trek?

Star Trek? It’s ok I guess. This still is from the coolest story Star Trek ever did. And it was never referenced again.


  1. this was super gnarly for the time.  Exploding heads and all that shit. 

    Major hints at big things in the future... then nada.

    I wonder why this got the axe.

  2. Benjamin Baugh I think they wound up going with the Borg instead of the Conspiracy aliens.

  3. The gore blew my fourteen(?) year old mind.

  4. Casey G. Plus, Starfleet was supposed to be the safe space, far from enemy lines.

  5. Coolest story? Eh, Maybe for TNG. It is a shame they didn't follow up.

  6. I also vividly remember this episode from my youth and would frequently talk about it with my friends and wondered why it got forgotten. I think I read that this plot might have been readdressed and resolved in a years later novel.

  7. N. Phillip Cole Conspiracy I believe.

  8. I really like that episode in original Star Trek where Kirk gets in a fight over a woman and the question is raised of what it means to be human. Wasn't that a great one?

  9. I want a list of interesting story lines cut short

  10. A bad storyline cut short was the "warp engines cause space-climate-change." They set a warp speed limit to reduce damage never refer to it again.

  11. Casey G.​ Actually, it was referred to in a later episode where they were given "special permission" to exceed the limits due to some threat.

  12. The fact that they never went back to it is why it is so great!

  13. Such a weird episode. Gross in a way TNG rarely was.


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