In better times (yesterday afternoon) we went to Dr. Strange.

In better times (yesterday afternoon) we went to Dr. Strange.
Spoiler space
So, in the end credits sequence, Strange talks to Thor. Apparently Loki is in New York with Thor looking for Odin? But at the end of Thor 2, Loki is presumed dead and impersonating Odin. Did I miss something?


  1. Yeah that tripped me up too. Maybe some retconning?

  2. You didn't miss anything.
    It's the lead-in for Thor 3.

  3. There was an after-after the credits scene too, right? I didn't stick around for that one. What's the executive summary?

  4. Yeah, A. Miles Davis but there’s a big story jump from one to the other. Googling a bit, it seems like that scene is actually from Thor 3. So somewhere in the middle of the movie probably, like the Ant Man scene with Falcon, Cap and Bucky was. That makes more sense.

    Paul, in the end-end scene Mordo steals Benjamin Bratt’s magic mojo and paralyzes him again. Mordo is out to get rid of all sorcerers now.

  5. Stephen Holowczyk you should see it if you haven't. There's some serious watch porn.

  6. Origin stories usually make the best movies. The 3D stuff in Dr. Strange was great. The Thor/Loki teamup to find Odin was addressed somewhere, I think. Some other movies after-after credits maybe?


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