Checking out the Ivanhoe audio-book from the library.

Checking out the Ivanhoe audio-book from the library. I caught the movie a few times when I was a kid. And even though it was from the 50’s, the costumes, jousting, sword fighting, (spoiler-alert) Robin Hood, and Elizabeth Taylor kept me enthralled. Hoping I don’t find the novel too dry. I’ve got a lot of driving to do over the holidays and I need to stay awake.


  1. ...huh. I had no idea. I always thought it was a 17th century colonial north american story. (Don't know why.)

  2. I remember I bounced off it hard in high school. Seems like a couple pages were spent discussing how someone was dressed.

  3. Yeah, I'm sure I wouldn't have made it through it in high school. We'll see how far my tolerance of old-timey writing and pacing has come.

  4. Not sure if it's on DVD or not, but the BBC did a good adaptation.

  5. Yeah, I'm with Daniel Davis​​. Trying to read it as a young teenager I remember encountering lots of vocabulary for the first time. And I knew pole arms and armor and stuff from D&D. This was stuff like escutcheon, wimple, vambrace, millinery, etc. Just lots of words on each page I hadn't seen before.

  6. You might want to grab "The Change" series by SM Stirling. It's a great combo of Post-apocalyptic and Ivanhoe.

  7. I was just thinking of Ivanhoe the other day. I think I gave up on reading it too back in school. I may have to watch the old movie.

  8. The movie is great and just look at Elizabeth Taylor because holy shit.

  9. I'll report back on the audiobook's listenability.

  10. I wrote a report on this in high school Or at least I wrote a report on the Cliff's notes. Either way, it felt long.


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