Don't tell my players but my itch to switch campaigns is increasing.

Don't tell my players but my itch to switch campaigns is increasing. Retro 80's cyberpunk D&D was fun until an 80's reject made the real world a much, much weirder cyberpunk dystopia than I can imagine.

Now I'm really feeling the urge to switch to Perdition and try that out, then maybe lighten it up with Operation Unfathomable later next year...


  1. I kept making Trump jokes in-game. "I'll build a wall around the Mutant Zone!" etc.


  2. Luckily, I don't actually have GM burnout. This is more a case of gamer ADD. I feel like I could switch gears quickly.

  3. Daniel Swensen I had the complete opposite reaction. I reinstalled Wolfenstein: The New Order on my PC and started really looking forward to gunning down ancient Nazis in Delta Green.

  4. I'm still interested in doing retro 80s neon-and-chrome cyberpunk, and punching out Nazis any day of the week. Post-apocalyptic settings, on the other hand, are feeling a little more plausible.

  5. if you haven't taken a look at Mike Evans's hubris yet i think you may dig it. - Hubris: A World of Visceral Adventure

  6. Hubris is on the Drivethru wishlist.

  7. Derek Pennycuff Thanks for the share, dude!

    Casey G. I hope you enjoy it when ya nab it!

  8. Same thing happened to me. I was planning to run Dark Ages Vampire, but then was like, "Uhhh...instead of an unrelentingly grim world of shadowy plots and constant treachery, I could go for some high fantasy hijinx instead. How about some Lone Wolf, guys?"


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