Looks like Epimas is live for 2016.

Looks like Epimas is live for 2016. This is the deal where Epidiah Ravachol gets a bunch of nerds to donate pdfs of their elfgames and whatnot and puts them in weird bundles then all the designers split the cash. This year Unholy Land has been updated with new content. It’s available with the 2nd edition of some game about the apocalypse or something. Might be worth checking out after reading the sweet new random encounters in Unholy Land.

Personally, I think I’ll be getting the bundle at the link below. I’ve read By Crom! as a webcomic, but a pdf of the book would be sweet. Also, The Indie Hack and Monasteries & Relics seem neat.

Lastly, any cash I make from Epimas is being donated to the Satanic Temple’s Religious Reproductive Rights Legal Aid Fund.


  1. I will update the Unholy Land pdf at Rpgnow.com around the 17th. New content exclusively available through Epimas for a short time.

  2. i was just about to call you out for not pimping this since the link crossed my feed 2 or 3 times already this morning. but i wanted to check your feed before i made an ass of myself. and lo and behold… here it is. thanks G+ for opting to not show me this in my normal feed. i scrolled back till i saw shit i recognized from around 6pm last night. but never saw this. grr.

  3. the only other post, north of this one, that i missed today was the boring ninja fight post. and i'm not sure why G+ chose to skip that one either. it currently has over a dozen comments.


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