“And Jesus, when he was baptized, went up straightaway out of the water: And lo, he scuttled from the banks into a...

“And Jesus, when he was baptized, went up straightaway out of the water: And lo, he scuttled from the banks into a copse of fig trees. And there he did wriggle, and strain at his shell, and his mandibles did gouge a seam upon his chest, until at last he squirmed free, pale and new. And John saw that Jesus was soft now, and sticky with amnii, and he cried out, ‘Lord, you are prey!’ And Jesus hissed” (Matthew 3:16-21).

Originally shared by ClickHole


  1. and Jesus sprang to the ceiling, and there he clung, until they dislodged him with a broom handle.

    That is glorious. Thank you.

  2. Of course the Vatican would use the term "exuviae."


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