Here's a human origin theory quack hypothesis I was unaware of.

Here's a human origin theory quack hypothesis I was unaware of.

The Kumari Model of human origins claims that humans didn’t evolve in Africa, but rather, they originated on a continent in the Indian Ocean known as Kumari land, which was swallowed by the sea ~14,000 years ago. This Atlantian-esque region was huge, connecting India to Africa and extending southwards into the Antarctic. As humans migrated out of Kumari land and populated the rest of the world they took two routes, one West into Africa and East into India. Those moving into India continued migrating northwards, eventually settling Europe and the rest of Asia too.


  1. There's a reason you're unaware of it. There's no reliable evidence whatsoever to support it. It's not a theory.

    But you read the article, so you know that.

  2. Apparently I don't watch enough History Ancient Aliens Channel to be up on this stuff.

  3. (Sorry, that sounded more confrontational than I meant it to. At least the idea of Kumariland is kind of fun.)

  4. I'm used to your ways, Paul.

    It's a good D&D map.

  5. We're all basically Lemurians anyway, right?

  6. Casey G. Aw, shit. I didn't even know it was my "way." It takes a real asshole to not even know he's being an asshole.

  7. Lol, I mean I can tell when you're sarcastic. Now I'm the asshole.

  8. Casey G. All right, we've made each other feel appropriately guilty now. My on again/off again Catholic parents would be proud.

  9. Lost continents bullshit is one of my guilty pleasures.


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