
This is hilarious. It's not a leaker admitting that Trump and everyone else kept Pence in the dark. It's one of Pence's people, on the record, saying Pence is out of the loop. It must be all out war in the White House. But Pence made his deal with the devil so he could oppress women and gay people so he can pay the price. If something happens to Trump, it's good Pence will look super weak.


  1. Its like two crooks worried who called the police! They are in over there head.

  2. I find a certain joy in picturing Trump as the recipient of reality show contestant levels of stress.

  3. This is the Trump MO. Keep every in an adversarial role b/c that is a small business thing that can work but the world's largest bureaucracy not so much.

    fuck boi does not understand economy of scale.


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