One more post from this Filthy Monkey Men blog I found today.

One more post from this Filthy Monkey Men blog I found today. I have watched a YouTube video about the Neanderthal super predator nonsense. It's pretty fun. Neanderthal's as Uruk-Hai, basically.


  1. It definitely works well with my favorite version of ogres (from Palladium Fantasy), which are literally predatory, human-eating Neanderthals.

  2. Casey G. The first edition was a pretty good AD&D-based fantasy heartbreaker that I've often described as "what I thought AD&D was until I actually read it." It's got a lot of ideas that would scare the shit out of parents in it. The second edition is less fun.

  3. Related: have you seen the Lamentations-based caveman game: Wolf Packs & Winter Snow?

  4. Casey G. Nope. Lamentations isn't really my preferred game, and I don't know how interested I am in playing a caveman campaign.

  5. I posited Neanderthals as dwarves but I guess orcs isn't too bad.

  6. There are so many negative associations with Neanderthals out there - dumb, primitive, brutal, ugly vs the wonderful superhero Cro-Magnon - despite the fact that we know almost nothing, I always get riled when I hear it.
    That might be why I love Jasper Ffordes Neanderthals: Ãœbersensitive Ãœberpacifists who are incapable of lying. Also a neat way of explaining how they ran into a dead end when they met their cousins...


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