Phone threats in St.

Phone threats in St. Paul yesterday here. This is coordinated. If he was really concerned, he’d fire Bannon, declare white nationalists terrorists, and tell Sessions to investigate. But that would never happen.


  1. An improvement, at least he's not saying it's about him.

  2. True, but too little too late. Mouth noises aren't enough.

  3. Where did the other posts on this thread go? I didn't delete them.

  4. Spicer said people are being unfair about Trump's apology and that "it's never good enough". Heh.

  5. You did post a link relevant to this on another thread, Casey G.

  6. It's the FBI's job to investigate domestic terror threats, not the Attorney General. Sessions only comes into play once there's enough info to press charges on this. So James Comey is where it needs to start.

    Most importantly, the bomb threats on JCCs throughout USA are despicable.


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