Put a sword in one hand, gun in the other. The robot-apocalypse will be way cooler than the trumpocalypse.

Put a sword in one hand, gun in the other. The robot-apocalypse will be way cooler than the trumpocalypse.



  1. in my headcanon that robot is running and vaulting because there is someone at the other end of the hangar that it wants to hug. you know, BB-8 style.

  2. all I will want is 20 seconds to comply

  3. also I just noticed that the small forelimbs are not hugging limbs but stabilizing limbs.

    They will need an extra axis of motion I think because as presently configured they look pretty crap at hugging.

  4. huggee: "hug-bot, stop hugging me"

    hug-bot: "DOES NOT COMPUTE"

  5. Skynet will add more arms so it can balance and destroy all humans.

  6. The robots have out-radical'd us. It's over.


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