Tried some solo minis gaming using some sweet Aliens plastic army men I got from Jay Exonauts​.

Tried some solo minis gaming using some sweet Aliens plastic army men I got from Jay Exonauts​. I used the Gruntz! rules in sort of a half assed way. The Marines had to plug the bug holes or kill all the bugs, but they barely got out of the first room and only took out one hole. They did kill all the bugs, but lost Hicks and two Hudsons. Apone and Vasquez made it.


  1. Nice! They're a great scale, those figs...

  2. awesome, I didn't know you were doing the solo boardgaming thing.

    I keep thinking about doing it but keep doing solo RPGing, so I won't have to clean up afterwards.

  3. I do a little solo wargaming. We should probably get together sometime, Mike.

  4. Sounds good to me -- it's been about 30 years, we're probably due for it :D


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