20 years ago I evacuated from Grand Forks where I went to college to my parents house.

20 years ago I evacuated from Grand Forks where I went to college to my parents house. I vividly remember watching the surreal sight of the flooded downtown in flames. Firetrucks parked in three feet of water but with no pressure to fight the fire.


  1. Wow. Were you able to go back eventually?

  2. Yeah, I had one more semester to go so I went back in a few weeks when the water receded. I had a basement apartment and it flooded. Had to clean that out. I crashed with some friends (squatted, really) at an apartment that had electricity. Ate some Red Cross meals. And went back to work as soon as soon as the music store opened again.

  3. pulitzer prizes were won for newspaper journalism for that one if I recall...

    "Come Hell and High Water"

  4. Yep, the Herald's office was one that burned I believe, but they didn't miss an issue.


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