As was typical of the period, there is a tendency for pterosaurs to be emaciated-looking, with protruding ribs,...

As was typical of the period, there is a tendency for pterosaurs to be emaciated-looking, with protruding ribs, skeletal faces, and a permanent look of pain and torment. Incidentally, the Rhamphorynchus above somewhat resembles Steve Bannon's true form.


  1. I always imagined Rhamphorynchus screaming its fucking head off because of illustrations like this.

  2. Paul Vermeren i assumed it to make exactly the noise Rodan makes

  3. Planet of the Hoojibs screaming for me.

  4. I imagine that Hanna Barbera pterodactl noise like from Johnny Quest.

  5. Also, I'd be upset if someone drew me to look like Steve Bannon.


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