I was quite shocked when I opened up this pack of small toys for children and realized many of them have what...

I was quite shocked when I opened up this pack of small toys for children and realized many of them have what appears to be male genitalia. Not sure if they were supposed to be codpieces or the real thing but about half the pack appears to me to be inappropriate for children. Many teachers get these types of toys for their students and this could lead to some serious problems at someone's job if they don't realize this before giving them out. I posted a picture so you can see and judge for yourself. Thank goodness I caught this before giving them to children! After separating them, 66 out of the 140 looked to me to be completely appropriate for children. The appropriate ones are very cute and I would probably buy them again because even if you throw out the inappropriate ones, the overall price is still pretty good. But I definitely recommend looking at them carefully before giving them out if you are using them in a work related situation.
p.s.: The colors are different than pictured. The ones I received were blue, green yellow & bright orange.


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