Looks like it is on for DM’ing for my little cousins and niece and nephew (plus my kids) on an occasional basis.

Looks like it is on for DM’ing for my little cousins and niece and nephew (plus my kids) on an occasional basis.
I think I’ll make each kid a folder with the Maze Rats rules, the area maps for the Land of 1000 Towers, and equipment they can buy with their gold.


  1. And then...and then you'll run it for your grown up friends who obsess over a nearly 40 year old cartoon...right?

  2. You are the best uncle / cousin guy.

  3. Jay Exonauts, speak for yourself (and me)! Why do you think I've been interested in running kids' RPG's--for altruistic reasons? Heck, I just want to play games based on cartoons from my youth!


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