This was a nice start to the morning.

This was a nice start to the morning.

OMG ... I bought this during the Deal of the Day because I thought with a cover like that the game couldn\'t be bad: it\'s not, it\'s *GARGANTUANLY GOOD*. I read it twice, laughed my axx off, called some friends, planned a match for yesterday evening.

In a couple hours I created a random-based, point-crawl, \"dead space\"-like mission. Printed and some tables (even just for their names...), three carboard sheets, some tape and built a master screen with some Cpl Hicks pics on the front (...because you don\'t die off-screen, is that clear!?!?).

Game night came: we created characters and played for three hours and my friends were blasted away by the sheer awesomeness (and some rockets). The game is smooth, pace is wonderful, balancing Tension to keep fighting at best but don\'t lose one\'s own mind makes it very real. One of the soldier rolled a SAW as his weapon and I think he\'s still giggling like a schoolgirl this morning.

Plus, flying cephaloid monsters... for fxxk\'s sake....

This is a freaking gem


  1. Can't ask for a better review than that! Congrats man!

  2. Successful play report as review = teh awesome!

  3. That was me. I was sure I posted the same on one of your G+ thread but it's not there... well, doesn't matter.

    It was majestic.

    I kept the game a secret (my fellowship is used to "surprise evening"), started the introduction using Van Halen's Stay Frosty as soundtrack and showed the "Hicks' Stay Frosty improvised screen" at the end.

    Character creation was fun by itself: ended up with Lt "Little Boy" (Cyber), Sgt. "Trinity" (Infantry, SAW), Pvt. "Fatboy" (Armor) and Psi Op Lt. "Manhattan" (Pyro, of course...).

    Random generation suggested a cold planet corp lab with cultist and stranded/artifact/ambush/war, so my mind flew lowcost to Dead Space 3 with a hand luggage full of Aliens, Starship Troopers and Screamers memorabilia.

    Everything happened: Sgt took over the incompetent Lt; Psi Op blasted away a reinforced door bleeding form his eyes; Pvt. started shooting too early during an ambush... and of course, a flying cephalopod. Because.

    I know my players are good, I won't run around that, but the game was so easy and fun that it pushed them far and beyond. Also, Tension worked wonders: they tried to balance it instinctively, even without full knowledge of the consequences, and it really brought some emotional depth to the game.

    I'm still hyped. WOW.

    Gonna test it soon on hardcore tabletop gamers that normally don't play RPGs. It'll be awesome.

  4. Thanks, man! I read your review and I thought, "this guy gets it."

  5. Second game went as good as the first. Brightest moment:

    Lt. : "That flying cephalopod seems to be a highly intelligent creature, maybe even psionically active, and capable of speaking and sustaining an advanced social structure. What's your take on this, Private?"

    Pt. : "That we sould kill the bastard, Sir."

    Lt. : "I cannot agree more."

    A question arose: when you have a tension level of 3 (Chill) you have ADV on saves, which supposedly includes also Tension Explosion saves. I ruled that out because "Going Apeshit Crazy" it's too fun to make it that hard to happen, but I wanted to know what your original intention was.

  6. Original intention was all saves, which would include Tension saves, but if everyone thinks it's more fun to not have that apply to tension, houserule that shit with my blessing and encouragement.


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