Watched The Void last night.

Watched The Void last night. It was good! No jump scares. Violence just happens. No one does anything superheroic and people mostly act like people might. Gameable as a location based adventure. Great visuals. Nice practical effects. Acting is good, but I’m not sure the sense of grief and loss they were going for hits as hard as they’d like, because mostly the characters are just trying to survive and don’t have much time for anything else.


  1. I love that in media res quality, and the practical effects were super gnarly.

  2. Yeah, I like stories with very little set-up. This was on-par with The Mist as far as f'd up shit just starting out of nowhere.

  3. this is on my radar but i haven't gotten to it yet. horror time is limited 'cos i'm the only fan under our roof.

  4. This has now been recommended to me by 3-4 different people. I better hunt it down. (I love indie and/or international horror.)

  5. I wanted to watch it before I got inadvertently spoiled somewhere, since everybody seemed to be watching it. Also, an apparently good Lovecraftian movie, need to get on that.

  6. Best seen without knowing too much. But highly recommended!

  7. Yeah, I didn't even watch the trailer.

  8. Pardon my ignorance. I'm at work behind a firewall right now. Is it available on Netflix US? Or where can I legally find it?

  9. I rented it from Google. Not on Netflix.

  10. Man The Mist messed me up, and that was even before I had kids.


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