Well, I'm in it now.

Well, I'm in it now. Just ordered enough West Wind and Gripping Beast minis to make a six-point Briton warband for SAGA.


  1. So you bought King Arthur? Dude seems kind of OP.

  2. Why do you think I bought him?

  3. Dark Ages skirmish wargaming. The gimmick that makes it different is a unique list of abilities that the player activates based on rolling funky dice unique to their faction every turn.

  4. I've been eyeing Saga, but it's kind of hard to track down...it's a French company being distributed by a British company? I can't figure out what core, whats expansion, what's standalone.

    Their web presence seems kind of scattered.

  5. That's absolutely true. But it's apparently big locally and has a decent amount of real estate at the LFGS.
    The core is either SAGA: Dark Ages Skirmishes or SAGA: Crescent and Cross. Both have the full rules. The other supplements are…supplements.
    No PDFs. Each expansion comes with the “Battle Boards” needed for it. So far all the factions I’d be interested in playing are in the Arthur book (Britons, late Romans, Picts, and Huns).

  6. So dark ages is a core book, but then Vikings and Arthur are supplements for dark ages?

    I assume C&C is a crusades set. Standalone but compatible? Because of course one needs to send Arthur on Crusade.

    Is there a source that lists all the available product? I'm a big fan of clever minis rules (currently I like the Song of series alot) but they sure don't make it easy.

  7. Vikings is the same as Dark Ages. From the Gripping Beast site:
    Please note, SAGA Dark Age Skirmishes is often refered to as SAGA Viking Age Skirmishes or the SAGA Rulebook. They are all the same thing and it is actually called SAGA Dark Age Skirmishes.
    C&C is crusades and totally compatible.
    I saw a couple other expansions at the store that cover more of Continental Europe, with Franks, etc. But I'm not sure if those are in print anymore. They do not make it easy.
    grippingbeast.co.uk - Saga | Gripping Beast

  8. Thanks for clarifying V vs DA. I was scrambling around trying to find the right book and all the reviews are talking about V and the store is all DA.

  9. Where did you order from? All of my normal mini web haunts are sold out of SAGA stuff

  10. Noble Knight. They had a bunch of West Wind. Some Gripping Beast.


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