Sunday night I fell asleep and immediately started dreaming.

Sunday night I fell asleep and immediately started dreaming. I was knocking on a door and a woman answered. She said she was going to prove to me that grays existed and went to open the door to a basement. I knew with utter certainty that if that door opened I would be staring at a gray. Terror flooded through me and I jerked awake. I’d been asleep for ten minutes.

Good to know my childhood fears are still there, just below the surface.


  1. Fuck's sake, anything but the grays.

  2. they are waiting
    and they would hate you
    but they cannot care enough to do so

    when you feel a tickle on the back of your neck know that they were just there, just out of sight

    they touched you, a brief brushing of long fingers across your primitive mammalian fur

    they could have just as easily rained inhuman pain upon you

    not this time though
    not yet

  3. Good thing it's 10 AM, not 10 PM, Evey...

  4. muhahahahaha

    You could die at any time, doe.

  5. Everytime I play XCOM this is always a watershed moment in preserving my humanity against these evil sods.

  6. X-Com (old and new) are my favorite games ever exactly because of this.

  7. i didn't think i ever saw the greys as frightening. but then i couldn't make it all the way through whitley strieber's communion. in fact, i think that is the only book i've ever stopped reading because it made me uncomfortable rather than just because it turned out to be a shitty book.

  8. …and thanks to wikipedia i now know strieber also wrote the book the hunger which i only knew as the tony scott movie with susan sarandon and david bowie.

  9. Casey G. "Look, man. I only need to know one thing: where. they. are. "

  10. Wait, how can you be sure you weren't abducted? What if it was only 10 minutes of subjective time?

  11. The one that took place in Alaska that was obviously not filmed in Alaska? It was still creepy.


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