The face relaxed, the eyelids half-closed, leaving only the conjunctiva visible, just as we see when people die in...
The face relaxed, the eyelids half-closed, leaving only the conjunctiva visible, just as we see when people die in our daily practice. I then called out in a loud, sharp tone: “Languille!” Then I saw the eyelids slowly lift without any spasmodic contractions – I make a point of this peculiarity – but with a smooth movement, clear and natural, as happens during life when people awake suddenly or are torn from their thoughts. Then the eyes of Languille settled on mine and the pupils accommodated themselves. This was no vague and dull look… these were decidedly living eyes looking at me. After several seconds, the eyelids closed again, slowly and without jerking, and the head made the same appearance to me as before I had called out to it.
Originally shared by Jennifer Ouellette
The medical question of the French Revolution: how long do the guillotined remain conscious after the blade falls? …
Originally shared by Jennifer Ouellette
The medical question of the French Revolution: how long do the guillotined remain conscious after the blade falls? …
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