Inaccurate Hex Kit map of Britain, 495 AD

Inaccurate Hex Kit map of Britain, 495 AD
Here's the 50x50 Hex Kit map I'm working on. It did eventually export. But I went out to lunch and shopping. The export bar never went away, but the file was there when I looked. Needs cities and other features, rivers, and roads.


  1. Also, I missed three hexes, so when you click, they'll show up black.

  2. Aaannnddd now I understand the difference between exporting at full resolution and at whatever zoom % you are at. Ok, that's better.

  3. Holy shit.
    Ross Squires​ cecil howe​ holy crap look at the size of that thing?

  4. So, now that you've done the birth of Jesus, is it time to do the Knights of the Round Table? =)

  5. Casey G.Have you read Simon Young's A.D. 500: A Journey Through the Dark Isles of Britain and Ireland? It's a fake travelogue (but based on historical evidence) purportedly written by a Byzantine monk that emphasizes the exotic aspects of post-Roman culture -- but lots of great flavour for a campaign set in that era.

  6. Peter C that sounds fantastic.

    Andrew Shields when Perdition has run it's course I might run a domain-heavy thing I'm calling Shit & Shieldwalls.

  7. Casey G. Have you read any of Skerples​ domain play posts about taxes and Estates and whatnot? Or would that potentially influence your own creation too much, perhaps? They are really good.

  8. I have and they're great. I'm also reading An Echo Resounding again.

  9. Domain play starts a level 1 with taxes was an eye opener to me. Brilliant. Can't wait to check out shit and shield walls.


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