Just took the 13 year old to the orthodontist.

Just took the 13 year old to the orthodontist.

Now I need to check my dental plan…



  1. Yeah, good luck! We got braces on Kivi last November and then she got some oral surgery over spring break. The final bill after 24 months of work is going to be $13K, about half paid by insurance.

  2. Her canines were migrating back along the roof of her mouth, so it's been a little more involved than usual and we opted to have her wisdom teeth all out at the same time since they were going to have her under general anesthetic anyway -- minimize surgery count. You'll probably (hopefully) be much cheaper.

  3. I was wtf'ing Belochs link, but that total is worth a wtf too! Luckily, our estimate is a lot lower than that. Poor kid! I had 4 teeth pulled for my braces.

  4. read the EOB before paying for anything.

  5. Ha! That link was blocked at work for "criminal activity".


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