Mrs. G and I are watching the premiere of GoT last night. Someone starts singing:

Mrs. G and I are watching the premiere of GoT last night. Someone starts singing:
Me: “Is Arya meeting a boy band?”
Mrs. G: “That’s Ed Sheeran.”
Me: “The one that sings that song I hate?”
Mrs. G: “Yeah.”
Me: “Ugh.”
Mrs. G: “At least they’re not letting him talk.”

I have to ask again why the Sword hasn’t gotten to guest star? There’s no justice.


  1. I had the weirdest conversation in line at my podunk local grocery store yesterday. Old man in front of me points out that the guy on the radio in the store (Ed Sheeran) was on an episode of Game of Thrones. Somehow this morphs into the old man going on a rant about how Justin Bieber is "gay." It was a weird moment in which this old man did a one-two punch of having too many opinions about pop music and also sneaking in some casual homophobia.

  2. Was he looking at a People Magazine cover or something?

  3. Casey G. Nope, it all just came pouring out of him for reasons that neither I nor the cashier could really follow.

    I don't even think this grocery store has magazines. Just pickled feet at the register.

  4. I at least have a teenage daughter to blame for knowing who Ed Sheeran is.

  5. Something like that happened to me at the veterinarian the other day, Jack Shear. Out of nowhere she started talking about how Starbucks is "evil" because "they don't believe in Christmas, and they don't support families" because "they don't believe marriage is between a man and a woman." It was utterly bizarre and I was embarrassed for her.

  6. It must be nice to be able to define the greatest evil in the world as a coffee chain, I suppose.

  7. Graham likes to watch Sesame Street music videos on YouTube, including one where Ed Sheeran sings about the differences between school and home, so our conversation during the season premiere was similar.
    Jenny: Did Arya just walk onto Sesame Street?
    Me: That's Ed Sheeran.
    Jenny: That guy from the Sesame Street music video?
    Me: Yep.
    Jenny: Weird.
    Me: He's a red cloak. Maybe Arya'll kill him.


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